The following
dozen examples of runaway advertisements has been compiled in order to
illustrate the common materials, patterns and fabrics of 18th
century men’s clothing available on
the eve of the American Revolution. Examples
include, but are not limited to, descriptions of hats and caps, jackets,
trousers, shoes and breeches.
1. “Ran away from me the Subscriber, on the 4th
instant, an apprentice Lad named Uriah Stone, about 18 years of Age; he is
Short in Stature, and of a dark Complexion. He had on when he went away a
Flannel Jacket without Sleeves, a striped Tow Shirt, a Pair of Short Wide
Trowsers, and an Old Felt Hat. Whoever Apprehends said Lad and brings him to
his Master Sall be resonably rewarded for their Trouble. NATHANIEL BROWN
Rehoboth, August 13, 1767.” Providence Gazette, August 15, 1767.
2. “Ran-away
from the Subscriber, living in Gorham, which joins Falmouth, Cumberland County
in the Massachusetts Province, short Negro Man named Prince, about 26 Years of
Age, 5 Feet some Inches high, talks broken English, has remarkable small Ears,
and a Jewel Hole in one of them. Had on almost new Felt Hat, a reddish grey home-made
Cloth Coat Jacket and Breeches, with silk knee Garters, a dark Callicoe under
Jacket, a white Linnen Shirt, red Collar and Cuffs, to his Coat with Metal
Buttons, white Cotton Stockings, Cald-Skin Pumps,. It may be he has a Pass.
Said Negro plays tolerable well on a Violin. Whosever will take up said Negro
or bring him to his Master shall have Sixteen Dollars Reward, and all Charges
paid by WILLIAM M'LEENEN.” Boston Gazette, June 6, 1774.
3. “Ran-away
from his Master Edward Bardin, a Negro Man named Cuffe, about 22 years of Age,
a tall Fellow his Legs crooked the small of them bending out, talks good
English : Had on when he went away a white cloth Jacket, short skirts, a red
Waistcoat under it, white Shirt, his Hat with a Gold wash’d Loop and Button, he
formerly lived with Issac Winslow, Esq; of Roxbury, Whoever apprehends said
Negro, and will bring him to his said Master living at the King’s Arms on
Boston Neck, shall have a Dollar Reward , and all necessary Charges paid. All
Masters of Vessels and other are heredy cautioned against harbouring,
concealing or carrying off said Servant as they would avoid the Penalty of the
Law. Edward Bardin.” Boston News Letter, December 28, 1769.
4. “RUN
away from the Subscriber, of Norton, in the County of Bristol, on the 2d Day of
December last, an Apprentice lad, named William Haradon, in the 18th Year of
his Age, about 5 Feet 10 Inches high; had on when he went away a Felt Hat, a
light coloured Surtout, a dark brown homespun Coat, a striped Waistcoat,
Leather Breeches, and striped Trowsers. He is of a light Complexion, and has
dark brown Hair. If the above Apprentice will return to his Master, his past
Misbehaviour will be overlooked. WILLIAM CODINGTON. N.B. All Masters of Vessels and others are
cautioned against harbouring, trading with, or carring off said Apprentice, as
they would avoid the Penalty of the Law.
Norton, March 2, 1773.” Providence Gazette, March 6, 1773.
5. “Ten
Dollar Reward. RAN AWAY from the
Subscriber, Joseph Moors, of Groton, in the County of Middlesex, and Province
of Massachusetts-Bay, a Malatto Man Servant, names TITUS, sbout 20 Years of
Age, of a middling Statue, wears, short curl'd Hair, has one of his Fore Teeth
broke out, took with his a blue Surdan, a Snuff coulor'd Coat, and a Pair, of
white wash'd Leather Breeches, a Pair of new Cow-hide Pumps, and a Fur'd Hat
with large Brims, and sundry other Articles of Wearing Apparel.---Whoever will
take of said Servant and confine him in any of his Majesty's Goals ………Joseph
Moors.” Boston Gazette, July 25, 1774.
6. “FOUR
DOLLARS REWARD. Ran-away from the
Subscriber on the 22d of September, at Night a Negro Man Servant, by the Name
of CATO, about Five Feet and Eight Inches high, very thick Lips, speaks broken,
and Walks as if he was lame in his Heels. Had on when he went away, a Cloth
colour'd Coat, with Pewter Buttons, old Leather Breeches, a Tow Shirt, old
Shoes with Silver plate Buckles, wore a Cap, and ?hoves round his Neck, and
very high on his Forehead: Carried away with him a Callico Banyan, fine Linen
Shirt, Check Linen Trowsers, grey Wigg, also carries or Wears a Felt Hatt with
a Silver Lace on it, had a Violin and carries it in a green Bays Bag. Whosoever
will return the Runaway to his Master in Winchenden, shall have the above
Reward and all necessary Charges, paid by LEVI NICHOL, Winchenden, Sept. 23,
1774.” Boston Gazette, Monday, October 10, 1774.
7. “Joseph Peirce HAS IMPORTED by Captain
SYMMES,(who is just arrived from LONDON) and is now opening at his Shop in
Kings Street, nearly opposite the North Door of the Town- House, BOSTON . .
.Mens white Beaver Hats.” Boston Gazette, May 2, 1774.
8. “Ran
away from me the Subscriber, on the 4th instant, an apprentice Lad named Uriah
Stone, about 18 years of Age; he is Short in Stature, and of a dark Complexion.
He had on when he went away a Flannel Jacket without Sleeves, a striped Tow
Shirt, a Pair of Short Wide Trowsers, and an Old Felt Hat. Whoever Apprehends
said Lad and brings him to his Master Shall be resonably rewarded for their
Trouble. NATHANIEL BROWN Rehoboth, August 13, 1767.” Providence
Gazette, August 15, 1767.
9. “Run
away from the Subscriber, at Attleborough, on the 25th of July, a Lad about 17
years old, named Issac Allen, a thick chunky Fellow, about five Feet six Inches
high, of a pale swarthy Complexion, has dark brown Hair, which he sometimes
wears ty'd: Had on and took with him, when he went away, two Tow Shirts, one
Check Linnen Ditto, a Pair of short wide Trowsers, a striped Flannel Jacket, a
black Ditto, a yellow doubled and twisted Coat, two Hats, a Black Barcelona
handkerchief, a Pair of Check Linen Trowsers, two Pair of Stockings, and one
Pair of new Shoes. Whoever takes up said Runaway, and brings him to his Master,
shall have Two Dollars Reward, and all necessary Charges, paid by me. JOHN FISHER.”
Providence Gazette, Aug. 3,
10. “Run
away from the Subscriber, the Night of the 5th of April last, an Apprentice
Lad, named Danile Bowen, about 20 years of Age, about 5 feet and a Half high,
has brown Hair, grey eyes, is something round Shouldered, and understands
making Buckles; Had on when he went away a new Felt Hat, a blue double breasted
Jacket, with flowered Pewter Buttons, striped underflannel Jacket, Striped
Flannel Shirt, Leather Breeches, and Yarn Stockings. Whoever takes up said
Runaway, and brings him to his Master, Shall have Two Dollars Reward, and all
necessary Charges, paid by BENJAMIN KINGSLEY.
Rehoboth, April 25, 1772.” Providence Gazette, April 25, 1772.
11. “Ran-away
from the Subscriber, living in Gorham, which joins Falmouth, Cumberland County
in the Massachusetts Province, short Negro Man named Prince, about 26 Years of
Age, 5 Feet some Inches high, talks broken English, has remarkable small Ears,
and a Jewel Hole in one of them. Had on almost new Felt Hat, a reddish grey
home-made Cloth Coat Jacket and Breeches, with silk knee Garters, a dark
Callicoe under Jacket, a white Linnen Shirt, red Collar and Cuffs, to his Coat
with Metal Buttons, white Cotton Stockings, Cald-Skin Pumps,. It may be he has
a Pass. Said Negro plays tolerable well on a Violin. Whosever will take up said
Negro or bring him to his Master shall have Sixteen Dollars Reward, and all
Charges paid by WILLIAM M'LEENEN.” Boston Gazette, June 6, 1774.
12. “Stop
Thief and Runaway Man Servant. Whereas
William Hayward, Baker, absconded himself from my Service 16th March, 1774, and took with him to the Value of
eight pounds , L. M. and be being taken and convicted, voluntarily Bound
himself, to serve me Six Months, to Pay Damages & Cost: and he last Night
absconded himself again; had on an old Felt Hat, an old cloth colour'd Coat and
Waistcoat, check'd Woolen Shirt, a Pair of new cloth colour'd Breeches, a Pair
of old pale blue Stockings, and a Pair of singleSole Shoes.--Said Hayward is
about Thirty-three Years of Age, Five Feet Five Inches high, darkish, short
Hair, and down look like a Rogue and Thief.----Whossoever will take up said
Servant and Notify me the Subscriber so that I may have him again, shall have
Marlboro April 9, 1774. All
Bakers are hereby cautioned against Employing said Servant.” Boston
Gazette, May 9, 1774.
Why do you think the list of clothing here seems so different from the NPS clothing standards?